This is the new La Biblioteca movie club. Unfortunately it only has one member, me. And this post is mostly a complaint and not a review. Here it is- I have tried 3 times to see Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy at Columbia's independent movie theater, the Nickelodeon, and three times I have been thwarted. First time it was sold out- it happens. The second time the projector broke and I waited for forty minutes for them to fix it to no avail-it happens. The third time the film melted when the Focus Feature logo flashed and I waited for thirty minutes for them to fix it to no avail while the projectionist ran up and down the aisle like a younger, sadder Rip Taylor talking about how terrible he was. Then they gave me a movie pass that was expired (I noticed later). That was too much. Please Nickelodeon do not have an exclusive engagement with a supposedly awesome movie and then don't hire a projectionist for it. Nor give out expired passes to overworked grad students with a five year old boy at home, meaning I have limited time and patience. That is all.
ps I still like the place but can't wait for them to move to their new theater which I'm sure will be stuffed to the gills with qualified projectionists.
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